Friday, April 20, 2012

"Elvis Has Not Left The Building"

I could see him.  He was standing in the middle of the room, smiling.  How tall was Elvis anyway?  He didn't seem like he was as tall as I would have thought.  He was much thinner too by the way than some of the pictures towards the end of his life.  He was smiling looking directly at me.  Instantly I knew it was Elvis!  There were four women in the room other than me.  It was a circle group, where we sit to develop our intuitive ability. We are there to learn to trust what we see hear or feel when calling in our guides, our angels and heavenly helpers.  We call them in asking for messages, and then as Vicky says we must "Dare to deliver."

  It was the first night for one woman. The session was under way.  We asked for our heavenly helpers to come through, when I noticed him.  I was sitting there thinking, "How do I say this without making this new comer think that we are all completely nuts?"  So I ask "Is there anyone in this room who has a relative or someone they are close to who has passed named Elvis?" I had somewhat chuckled to myself when I saw him because I thought "I can't believe it's you?" I assume I am suppose to take this as a sign to say the name "Elvis".  I think every one held their breath as there was complete silence.
 I waited for someone to volunteer their "Elvis" family member. The first time visitor meekly spoke "Does it have to be Elvis?"  I didn't quite know what to say. I didn't speak a word but I was thinking, "Well I know who I am seeing" and the silence remained in tact.  She followed up with, "Because my grandmother's last name was Presley and is from the same family as Elvis."

 I somewhat slumped over in relief!  I said "Well, Elvis was standing in the middle of the room looking back at me."  "I really didn't want to have to tell all of you that I was seeing Elvis Presley, so I am so glad to know that this is your grandmother's way of coming through."  One of the ladies in the room said with great excitement, "You mean we were visited by Elvis?"  It appears that way!

 Now that I look back on that moment I wish I had simply had the faith to go with something along the lines of "Any reason Elvis Presley is standing in the middle of the room?"  I was so grateful at that moment someone claimed the name without me feeling completely stupid, that I realize I did not give the credit or the gratitude to Elvis for stopping by.  As a matter of fact I may have gotten that wrong, telling her it was her grandmother's way of saying "Hello."  The truth is I didn't hear or feel from her grandmother at all, I saw "Elvis" but either way, the fact is, whether it is someone famous or only famous to you, it took a lot of energy and love for that visit, and I must not fail to recognize and remember that, while trusting the process.

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Psychic Medium Finds Missing Rubber"

 My job as a Medium is to give you messages from your loved ones who are no longer alive.  This isn't just simply names of your family members that are listed at the local funeral home's website.  I deliver those names all the time as they are spoken to me, but it is the real gut busting down to the last detail of truth in a story or situation that makes this job of delivering messages from those in spirit worth it to me.  When I first started doing readings, I was aware that people coming to see me for the first time, were looking for red flags that would indicate all information delivered came off the Internet, but now I don't even think about it anymore.  I don't think about it because there isn't a remote possibility anyone would have the nerve to ever admit to anyone some of this stuff happened, much less wrote about it and then put it out there for the world to see. It just isn't available to read.  This is an example.

I was calling in my guides and asking for the messages from those in spirit who want to step up for the female client coming to see me.  I wasn't feeling well.  With a runny nose and a sore throat I decided to lay down on my bed.  Laying down with my eyes closed holding a yellow legal pad attached to a clip board along with a pen, wearing my glasses,  I was prepared to take notes while resting.  Drawing symbols that I see with my eyes closed, or writing down words that I hear, I take dictation from the dead.  I am almost sleeping this afternoon when I am taken back to a memory of a time when I had one of those experiences that was so awful, I never wanted to think about it.

 I have a lot of those "never want to relive" experiences of embarrassment and humiliation in my life.  How I got my period at age 12 has to be an all time most embarrassing story ever to have happened to any female child on this planet.  But it happened to me.  Then to make the worse day of my life more horrible, I had the shorts and panties in a sink soaking in water with laundry soap, when my mother decides to give a tour of the house to all of the guests outside, a house tour that of course included the bathroom where the pre-soaking was taking place.  I can recall that as though it was yesterday.  I am certain there are people alive today that remember that incident.  I still want to hide every time I see the woman that whispered to me that day, "You need to go inside because you have gotten your period.  I am now 54 and she is in her 80's.

So today I am almost asleep when one of those memories flash through my head.  I am trying to prepare for a reading when this is what I recalled.  There may or may not have been an intimate moment in my life, where I may or may not have been having sex, when the condom disappeared.  I may or may not have been completely freaked for the obvious reasons that would cause you and your partner to wear a condom to begin with, when I may or may not have realized it really was missing.  It wasn't on him, it wasn't on the bed, it was gone. The circumstances showed it was not actually gone, but it was hiding in what may or may not have been deep inside of me.  I then may or may not have had to reach, locating the latex, and retrieve it.

  Why on earth am I laying here thinking of this now?  Then I got it!  "I am suppose to tell this woman this story, unbelievable!" I thought.  So somewhere on my three pages of notes, was written in small letters "missing rubber".

  The client arrived, and I begin her reading.  Names came through that were the names of her children, and other close relatives.  A wedding was shown to me where there were flower petals all over the floor, a man in military uniform, with the rank of Captain was shown to me.  It was all there being verified by the client with tears pouring from her eyes, knowing that I was hearing from her loved ones when I came across the words "hidden rubber."  I tell her the story.  She says "When I was a teenager and dating, I had a birth control device that I wore to prevent pregnancy." "It was a round circle and one night it broke inside of me during sex." "I had to go home and tell my mother." She said "I could tell my mother anything!" Her mother had died 17 years earlier from breast cancer.

This my skeptic friends, you won't find on Google, but you will find it on Goggle Blog, "The Medium and the Mortician".

Allyson Glynn Schram is a Medium, living in Arnaudville, Louisiana.  She can be reached for readings at area code 985-662-1780.Facebook

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Have you seen "Long Island Medium?"

I have been asked recently by five different people, if I have seen "Long Island Medium".  I am happy to report after having said "No" to the first three, that I have now watched the program.  I love watching her as I am always entertained when she is so shocked getting things dead on. (not a pun) For instance on one episode a client had written "I love you Daddy" on a handkerchief of his.  When he came through he showed this to Theresa Caputo, the medium.  She threw her chair back and said "Get out of here!"  "Seriously?" Then she was completely freaked out.  She cracks me up!  I really appreciate her candid humor and how honest she is when she shows she too is shocked the dead can communicate as well as they can.  As a medium I have said several times when I do readings, that no one is more shocked than I am, at what comes through.  

We tend to ignore our loved ones as they are trying to get our attention. We ignore them thinking it can't be because they are dead!  Let me tell you, it is true you may be more aware of someone now that they are deceased, than you were when they were living.  I believe that is because they have something to share with you.  The majority of the time it is simply to say "I am here."  

I am a medium.  I have the dead communicate through me.  Many of you have experienced that through a reading with me.  Theresa Caputo is a medium, and she too communicates with the dead.  You do not need to have Theresa or me be there with you to receive a message, or communicate a message to someone you loved who is no longer in the physical. Sit in silence and in a completely attentive state of being open,  ask "What do you have for me?" Accept the first thing that comes to mind.  Do not dismiss what you feel.  Repeat out loud what you heard in your head or felt in your heart.  Then thank them for coming through for you.  The most important thing you can do, is communicate your love for those who have departed.  I want to share a story with you of a woman who came to see me recently.

 The woman walks in my door for an appointment. I recognized her, but when she booked over the phone, I had no idea who she was.  Names may sound familiar, but I have read for so many people that it isn’t until I see their face, that I will remember them.  When she walked in the room she seemed like a bull that someone was waving a red flag in front of and she was about to charge.  Normally people are glad to be here, friendly, and loving.  She acted like at any minute she was going to pick up her keys and leave, but not without saying something really ugly.  That is how she walked in the door!  She sat down, turned on her recorder, and said, “Let’s go.” She was ready to get on with it.  What she needed as it was apparent to me, was to realize that people were afraid to tell her the truth, or be close to her because she gave off the energy of a bundle of dynamite, just waiting for the fuse to be lit. 

I knew however that was not what her numbers said about her.  When I looked at her birthday, she was a double two, which means, loving and lovable.  No doubt she wanted to talk about relationships, because people who have “two” energy in their birthday, or name are all about relationships, yet this woman was about as loveable as a cactus.  As she sat there waiting for me to “perform” I noticed a male in spirit standing in the corner.  He wasn’t going to step up at all, but he was present.  I let her review with me one by one the men in her life, as she was simply interested in me stepping into their energy and having me tell her who she was dating next, and who was a better match for her.

 I had not mentioned the man in spirit standing in the corner, because it was clear to me that he was afraid of her.  He was right.  She scared me too and she was non-approachable.  In the course of the conversation, she mentioned her late husband.  I said, I want to talk about him if you don’t mind.  She said “Fine, talk!” “Well what is up with that?” “How long has he been deceased?” I asked.  She said “Six years.”  I wanted to know, “Have you missed him?”  She said, “I have never grieved his death, because I found emails where he had been in communication with another woman.” “I have never cried or missed him, because I think he cheated on me.”  “He was diagnosed with a form of cancer that was inoperable right around the time I found the emails, and then he died six months later.”  “I took care of him the way I thought I should, but I have been mad because even though he swore he never cheated on me I think he did.”  I thought “Oh my gosh!”  I knew that moment this explained everything.

 At that moment I began to weep because of the suffering and pain that he had been through, but all she could focus on was how he was unfaithful to her.  Not only had she tormented him through her anger the last six months of his life, but also he has been dead 6 years, and she is still mad as hell at him.  I said, “Honey, the reason you can’t find a man and a relationship now, is because you still have a husband you have not allowed to move on.”  Your anger and bitterness towards him, has held him here, waiting on you to forgive him.”  “He has not gone on to be with God, because you are holding his spirit here by his need for you to forgive him and let him go.”  I then clearly saw “Arkansas”, and I said, “He wants me to talk about “Little Rock”.  She said yes we went to…and right before she said it, I got from him “Little Rock”, and she said “Little Rock”.  I said well he wants you to think of how you felt in Little Rock. “Yes!” “I carry that picture of us in Little Rock around with me.” She then reached for her phone and asked if I would like to see it.  I said “Of course.”  When I looked at the picture, what I saw was a loving, kind wonderful man, with a generous spirit, and big heart.  She said “Yes that is true, he was wonderful.”  I said well you need to tell him that he is wonderful, and that you loved him very much and that you forgive him for what he may or may not have done.  She said to me, “Where is he?”  I said, “Well he has been standing in the corner at the end of the sofa, because he was too afraid to approach you.  Finally the tears started to flow, and she said “I do not want to hold him here, or do that to him.”  Once the tears were flowing and she was asking him to forgive her, for how horrible she had been, and she communicated her love to him, her entire energy changed.  I knew it would.  I knew that she was difficult for any man to love as she was, simply because she was still angry with her deceased husband.  Before our session was over, her husband in spirit told me that he would help guide the perfect man for her to her.  He would act as a helper for her. 

I wish each of you reading this could feel that release, and healing energy when forgiveness is given from one to another, especially when the person who is asking for forgiveness is no longer on this planet, but moved on into spirit.

 I know that when Jesus walked the earth, his death was for the purpose of “forgiveness”.  God knew that this would be and is such a problem for many of his children.  We hold on to bitterness and anger, even after our loved one is deceased.  Just because the physical body gives out, and the person is “dead” does not mean that it is over.  Talk to your loved one, and tell them what is on your heart.  Allow them to speak to you.  Sit and listen and see what comes through.  

To book a session with Allyson Glynn you may reach her at area code: 985-662-1780