Sunday, August 18, 2013

"The Love of Joy"

 The readings I enjoy the most are those when there has been a recent death, and clients book to see me because they hope to hear from those who have recently passed.  I will book these appointments but I tell the client that I am not positive we will hear from the person they may want to hear from.

I have a family member who accused me of telling a cousin of mine that I could help connect her to her father.  My sister said that I did this at her Dad’s funeral.  I would never, repeat NEVER; tell anyone that I would be able to do that.  Let me tell you why I wouldn’t.  I don’t know that I can!  It isn’t me that dials them up and with my one of a kind telecommunications system where I have a direct line to the after life, hand the receiver over and say “Your Dad is now on the phone!”  What nonsense that is!  I don’t know if the deceased person you are hoping to connect with wants to or is available to come through.  I don't know that I will get anything at all!  I never promise that I will connect with just whom you want to speak to.  I know it is possible for some, but it comes from soul, their soul.  I just happen to be sensitive to hearing them.  I cannot make the dead talk to me.  

Today I have a situation of where the woman down the streets mother died about a month ago.  She wants to connect with her mom.  About two months ago the woman across the street from me, lost her Mother.  I was visiting at her house recently looking at her Sunrider products to make certain she had what she needed for a healthier recovery from surgery.  I sent this woman a gift while she was in the hospital.  I didn’t know what to send, but I shopped and decided a housecoat would be appropriate.  I found one that I thought would serve her well as she walked up and down the halls of the hospital with her new knee replacement.  When my husband delivered the gift to the hospital, she called and said, “This was perfect!”  “How did you know I didn’t have anything to use as a cover up?”  She went on to tell me that she was using the house slippers her mother had worn when she was living, but needed the robe.  It was the perfect gift! 

Today I was sitting and preparing for a reading for my other neighbor whose Mother died just a couple of weeks ago, when a pair of house slippers popped into my minds eye.  I am clairvoyant, which means I see symbols.  When I close my eyes, behind my eyelids in darkness I will see things.  When I saw the house slippers I thought “OH!  I think Ann’s Mom is here!”  Then I started getting a download of information.  Her main message was “do what you are suppose to do” and "take your medication the way you are suppose to." I then saw the bottle from Sunrider that I ordered for Ann while I was visiting her. This is an herb for enhancing the muscular skeletal system called “joi”.  That was the only item I ordered for Ann as she is already on the program and using Sunrider foods.

 Today I called her and told her that during my meditation for the other neighbor, her Mom popped in to remind her to do what her doctor told her to do.  I said, ”By the way, your Mom is telling me her name, it has a strong “L” and Ann said “Lee her middle name was Lee."  I said "What was her first name?" and she said, “Joy”.  I said, “Ann the only product I ordered for you that I felt you needed to add to your routine yesterday while visiting you was “Joi” pronounced, “Joy”.  She and I both broke into tears and thanked each other for the love, and ended the call. 

The day before I told her I felt her Mom around and she cried during our visit yesterday as she did today on the phone, saying that she had been wanting to pick up the phone and call her Mother.  I could feel her Mother near.  Her Mother let us both know that she is near.  She did this by sending the bottle of “Joi”.

Monday, July 1, 2013

"Buckle Up"

Each morning when I wake up I thank God for all that I have.  I include clean sheets, comfy pillows, air conditioning, and just about whatever crosses my mind I am especially grateful for.  I normally wake up in gratitude every morning feeling joyful.  I am not in pain.  I am not sad. I am glad that life has given me all that I have and all that I am.  This is pretty much every day except there was this one day however a couple of weeks ago.

 I felt angry before my feet touched the floor!  It was an especially difficult night for me not sleeping.  This morning I felt bitter and anxious.  I was not connected to my God source at all.  There was craziness in the air!  It was one of those mornings with surprises in our banking, surprises with the home owners insurance coverage and with the mortgage company.  I knew there was just bad energy coming at me.

Charlie needed to make a trip to the bank.  As he was leaving I wanted to remind him to drive safely saying, "Do not break any rules and drive carefully!" This meant don't speed, don't cross double yellow lines, do not take any risks because you won't get away with much!   Like a teenager with a bad attitude he turned to me and said "I won't!"

He returned home from the bank with things having calmed down quite a bit.  I was feeling more calm and everything seemed fine.  About twenty minutes passed when there was a knock at our door.  It was more like a knock that screamed "...ON THE COUNT OF THREE I'm coming in!"  It scared me so badly I jumped behind a tall book case to take cover.  Charlie went to the door.  I could hear a lower deep voice of another male.  Charlie stepped around the corner and said "Come talk to this man."  I thought it was a salesman or someone delivering phone books. "Tell him about Sunrider" Charlie said.

I was still shaking in my flip-flops walking to the door where my eyes fell upon a giant man.  He was at least 6'4, a policeman with the title of "Chief of Police" written with his name on his shirt.  Fortunately I had my wits about me enough to invite him inside the house. He didn't speak a word.  He seemed possibly like the cat had gotten his tongue.  He was not chatty making things more awkward.  I launched into a speech about how Sunrider is a company out of California where we buy vegan foods made from Chinese herbs that are live food cultures.  I go on and on without him saying a word.  Abruptly I stopped talking. He was just staring straight into my eyes with no facial expression.  I said "You didn't come here to learn about Sunrider."  He said "No."

I didn't know why he was in my home! His uniform said "Leonville Police Department".  He wasn't even from around here.  Then it happened!  I said there is a man here in spirit who is deceased about 5'10"standing in front of you.  He is telling me his name is T- O-....I was in the process of spelling the name when he blurted out "Tom!"  I said "I was going to go with Tony, but ok."  Then I was hit with a shortness of breath as I felt I had the wind knocked out of me.  I said "He can't get a breath and that is how he passed." The policeman said "He died of a lung aneurism."  The policeman was his son Joe and Tom was his Dad.

  The message from the deceased was acknowledging the girl while sending his love.  Joe had one child, a daughter.  His Dad Tom, wanted him to know how proud he was of his son, and came through to wish him a "Happy Father's Day!" Joe said his Dad died 17 years ago.

Holding back tears that were now flowing down Joe's face he said, "Your husband got a ticket for no seatbelt and drove off without it." Joe explained that when taking Charlie's drivers license he could not believe the date of birth. That is when Charlie said the reason he doesn't look 70 and is in perfect health was because of Sunrider foods.  Joe went on to say "I forgot to give Mr. Charlie the ticket and then decided to drive here to give it to him."  I said "OK." "Thank you I guess."  He said "Have a nice day."

  I turned to Charlie and said "I told you there was craziness in the air!"

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

There Is A Spirit World

There is a spirit world.  If you don’t believe me then you may not know for sure until you get there! When your physical body quits working and no longer continues to live, your soul will exit your body.  It feels like you are fully awake.  You can see your body and know that you are separate from it.  You are no longer in your body, but you are still you.  It is a lot like getting out of your car, stepping back and taking a look at it knowing that was the car you were just driving.  Your soul has an opportunity to go into a white light.  Go there.  That is your entry to heaven.

There are different neighborhoods in heaven.  “In my fathers house there are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2.    After we enter heaven, we stay connected to those we loved.  The vibration of love allows us to send love to those who are remaining on the earth whose time has not come to exit their body.  During our time in heaven we are given an opportunity to send messages to our loved ones.  You will feel them around you at random times.  You will feel surges of electricity rush through you and give you goose flesh, and the hair on your arms will rise.  There are a number of ways to get messages.  Look for them and ask your loved ones to communicate with you. 

The movie “The Secret” tells us to (1) Ask (2) Believe (3) Receive.  Our guides, angels, and heavenly helpers  are waiting for you to place your order with the universe.  What are you asking for?  Remember to feel what it would feel like to have what you are asking for and vibrate to that feeling, pretending you already have what you are wanting.  Keep believing and you will receive!  

You do not have to receive help fro a psychic medium because you can receive messages on your own.  If you want some help, I will be available for you!

  Have a great summer and place your order with the universe.  Your loved ones are waiting to hear from  you!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Deceased Sister Gets A Good Laugh After Death"

When you see me for a reading for the first time I read a brief statement to you explaining how I work and what to expect during your time with me.  The reason for this is that there are some things I find important and one of them is this. You need to know that once I speak what I am hearing or seeing I let it go.  I use PVC pipe and how water flows through the pipe but does not absorb or hold on to it as an example just as I do not absorb the information that comes through for you.  So many times people will call me back saying “Remember when” and the truth is I may not remember you and what I said to you.  I remember voices most of the time, but names and what was said to you during your visit just does not stay with me.  The following are a couple examples.

On my phone a specific voice I remembered said “I wanted to call and tell you something I think you will be glad to hear.”  She was very calm.  I said “Okay.”  Continuing she said, “Remember when you told me my sister was talking about her butterfly tattoo and I told you she didn’t have a tattoo?”  I did remember as the woman was pretty clear on that day her sister did not have a tattoo.  She said, “Well I called the Coroner’s office and they couldn’t validate it.”  “I called all around and no one knew of her having a tattoo.”  “I ended up calling a close friend of hers asking if she knew of a butterfly tattoo, and she said, “Yes she had a monarch butterfly tattooed on her left butt cheek.”  The client went on to say, “I just thought you would like to know.”

 I do appreciate people validating things that they cannot identify or relate to after their reading.  I knew that her deceased sister had a butterfly tattoo and I never gave it another thought.  For the client however her reading wasn’t over when she walked out the door. 
Her deceased younger sister had her calling all over the place asking about a butterfly.

 At that moment I felt the side splitting laughter and entertainment the spirit of her sister was displaying.  She was completely entertained knowing she left this earth leaving everybody she knew to talk about her butt. All of the friends and family would learn that she had a tattoo. Beyond the grave she got a great big kick that people were talking about her ass!

That same day a message came through on Facebook from another client.  A male client wrote “So I talked to you about a friend of mine several months ago, about her ex-husband and custody.  You said for her to be careful because she could be having another baby before the end of the year.”  I messaged back “OK”.  He went on to type “Well she is pregnant and due before the end of the year. Not by her ex, but by her fiancĂ©.”

 Immediately my heart went to the personality and identity of the baby.  I seem to have a gift for identifying whether unborn babies are boys or girls, and also the personality traits that I am picking up on from the womb.  I have a pretty accurate record for predicting future dates of birth as well.   I have character references on that if anyone wants to hear those stories!

So while I am in the trenches each day doing readings for people who find me, your loved ones are still sending love and messages to you.  Remember to thank them, and ask your team appointed by God to help you with what you feel you need help with as they too enjoy a good butt joke!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Holiday Messages From Our Loved Ones

Through the holidays I was deluged with different reports of loved ones who have passed on sending messages to those still here on earth. One grieving mother wrote me the following:

Hi Allyson… I received this text from an unknown area code and phone number yesterday... I know it was from my son…
“Merry Christmas Family! I love all of you and thank you for all of the prayers. A second chance at life is the best Christmas present that anyone can ask for.”

It was amazing for me! He was with me alllll day, I felt! God bless you and yours…

Another woman told me she had been sending love to her deceased grandfather, asking him to come around and join them for the holidays. Christmas was quickly approaching and she knew he would be terribly missed, as it was the first Christmas they would have without him. She asked her grandfather to let her know if he was near. On Christmas morning her phone rang. She said the caller’s number was showing as “UNKNOWN”.  The woman said she would not have answered it, but she works for an organization whose calls show up that way on people’s caller ID, so she thought it might have been her boss calling on Christmas morning. She answered the phone and the elderly man on the other end of the phone said, “Good morning, this is your Grandfather.” She said she stood in silence, completely caught off guard and then blurted out, “This can’t be my grandfather!” He responded, “And why not?” She answered, “Because my grandfather is dead.” She said the phone went silent and there was no one on the other end. After the woman hung up, she was shocked to remember she had asked to hear from her grandfather and indeed understood the call was no accident. 

Some of you may think that it was all just a coincidence. Really? Did you receive a call from your deceased grandfather wishing you a Merry Christmas? I know I didn’t.

The most difficult thing for us as physical beings is to understand life really is as simple as “asking and receiving”. It helps us to believe. What are you asking for and are you ready to receive it?