Tuesday, June 4, 2013

There Is A Spirit World

There is a spirit world.  If you don’t believe me then you may not know for sure until you get there! When your physical body quits working and no longer continues to live, your soul will exit your body.  It feels like you are fully awake.  You can see your body and know that you are separate from it.  You are no longer in your body, but you are still you.  It is a lot like getting out of your car, stepping back and taking a look at it knowing that was the car you were just driving.  Your soul has an opportunity to go into a white light.  Go there.  That is your entry to heaven.

There are different neighborhoods in heaven.  “In my fathers house there are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2.    After we enter heaven, we stay connected to those we loved.  The vibration of love allows us to send love to those who are remaining on the earth whose time has not come to exit their body.  During our time in heaven we are given an opportunity to send messages to our loved ones.  You will feel them around you at random times.  You will feel surges of electricity rush through you and give you goose flesh, and the hair on your arms will rise.  There are a number of ways to get messages.  Look for them and ask your loved ones to communicate with you. 

The movie “The Secret” tells us to (1) Ask (2) Believe (3) Receive.  Our guides, angels, and heavenly helpers  are waiting for you to place your order with the universe.  What are you asking for?  Remember to feel what it would feel like to have what you are asking for and vibrate to that feeling, pretending you already have what you are wanting.  Keep believing and you will receive!  

You do not have to receive help fro a psychic medium because you can receive messages on your own.  If you want some help, I will be available for you!

  Have a great summer and place your order with the universe.  Your loved ones are waiting to hear from  you!