Saturday, January 31, 2015

How Does This Stuff Happen

      I was standing at the stove making an omelette this morning when a song came on that I had forgotten about.  It was a song by Cindy Campo that I obviously at some point in the past 5 years downloaded.  The song is "Every Once In A While".  If you would like to go and hear this song please know there are other songs with totally different lyrics with this title, so make certain if you google the lyrics you include the name of the artist.  I am placing a link here to the video where she sings it on You Tube. You will have to cut and paste this link to get there.  This is a song for anyone who has ever lost someone they love.  The lyrics speaks of all the many ways that our loved ones send messages to us.

     So this song is playing while Im preparing my omelette with the eggs and tomatoes along with a hand toss of fresh spinach.  We buy the baby spinach leaves at SAMS and use it in as many ways as we can come up with to build it into our diet.  When the dish was complete, I grabbed a plate placing the plate on top of the skillet and turned the cooked ingredients upside down onto my plate.  I placed the plate on the table getting other things in order and sat down to eat.  I had been in deep thought being alone and listening to music that inspires me.  A song about how our loved ones send messages is definitely a song of inspiration.

     With my plate in front of me while eating I noticed this perfect piece of clover off to the side of my plate as if someone had garnished my plate with a piece of clover.  When you are starting your day and are coming out a quiet fog, things don't necessarily grab your attention as if you were fully aware.  While listening appreciating this song about messages I realize there is a beautiful piece of clover with three perfect heart shaped leaves to the side of my plate.

     I thought I would take a moment to "Thank" who sent me the lovely clover, and remind all of you to continue to look for messages.  Those whose time is up here on earth and they are no longer physically present are sending you messages of love.  They are still with you on the other side!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Who Is Behind That Wall

     In the life of a Medium I would venture to say there is nothing worse than receiving messages and delivering them and the person sitting there looking at you shaking her head "No."  Ugh!  Just thinking about it makes me want to remember to "Just breathe."  I can say it once or twice or repeat what I am seeing and speak it the way it was spoken to me. If the person I am giving the message to just returns a silent blank stare I begin to question everything.  Here is what I have learned.

     Everything about this work that I do is based on faith.  I have to trust and deliver the message the way I get it.  Some of you may have received messages from me that still may not make sense.  I encourage people to record or take notes during their readings because I get a lot of returned calls from people I read for telling me of what they did not understand at the time of their reading when I gave them the message and how it now made perfect sense.   Last night I heard "Czechoslovakia" and gave that to the client during a phone reading.  How random is that?  She said "I don't even know what that is."  I said "It's a country and write it down because if it doesn't mean anything to you now chances are it will."

     Recently I was doing a reading for a beautiful sincere woman.  When she walked in the door to my home the electromagnetic field surged and I was covered in goosebumps.  We sat down together with her having a wonderful reading hearing from people that she was wanting to hear from.  Towards the end of her reading I started receiving messages for her that she began saying "No" to.  I deliver messages reading your energy with my eyes closed.  When I did open my eyes she was looking at me with complete bewilderment as if I was speaking a foreign language.

     I saw a knife.  It was a large knife like a hunting knife.  I could still describe that weapon just as I saw it. Up until this moment there was no drama in her energy or her reading where all of a sudden the energy of someone who had been killed would pop in.  Names were coming through.  She was saying "No."  I was getting frustrated because I know what I was seeing.  I felt comfortable enough to say to her "This is not a wild ass guess."  She said she understood and we agreed we would let it go.

     It was a weird time in our home as the night before a pipe had broken under our house. That night I smelled gas and called the necessary authorities.  They immediately came out and turned our gas off. We were to have someone come repair the pipe and turn our gas back on the following day.  It was late in the afternoon towards the end of my clients reading when the repair work began.  Charlie had dug dirt our from under the house to make way for the plumber to crawl under the house to make the repair. It was dark by the time the gas was back on.

      Charlie and I were grateful to be able to cook and have hot water and get on with dinner.  We were working in the kitchen together when he started telling me about how nice the repairman was. Crawling under the house with him and working beside him I guess you get to know someone.  So he tells me, "That man's twin sister was murdered and stabbed 17 times."  I stopped in my tracks and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  "Seriously?" I asked.  He said "Yes!" I immediately felt her and knew she was coming through when her brother was doing the repair work in our yard under the house.  During my clients reading I was telling her about a knife and giving her names she could not verify.  It was the repairman's murdered sister who was trying to come through for her brother.  I felt relieved yet very sad I had not been successful delivering the message to her brother but now I know.  Spirit does come through walls, but in this case it was the floor.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Dead Man's Message Was "Thank people for all of their prayers."

      Recently during a reading the client's deceased brother came through.  I don't know what he passed from but I know he went through a lot.  I know he was in a wheel chair because he showed me the wheels.  There was terrible neck and head pain as I felt the pressure behind my eyes with my head killing me so I spoke of trauma to the head.  The client confirmed he had brain surgery.  This reading taught me something BIG.  I come close to being emotional sharing this with you. He was asking her to "thank people for all of the prayers."  She said "Yes there we're a lot of people praying for him." He was communicating to me that the prayers meant something.

      He died, so obviously he wasn't healed, but the prayers counted for something he was saying.  He made me feel that the prayers were a big help and in his passing he learned this after he got to the other side.  The prayers were like poker chips.  They stacked up and added up to something.  The prayers from others are like a currency of some sort for us.  They hold value and you benefit from prayer especially when you get to the other side.  It was a new concept for me.

     You guys may see how uninformed I actually am to see that this is a news release for me! Growing up in the church I thought I knew all about prayer and the power of prayer.  I didn't!  The fact is no one ever said to me, "When you die and get into the kingdom of heaven all of the prayers will mean more to you there than they did here on earth."  I was taught when you die that is it!  You can quit praying and give it all up because your done.  NOW I know that is not true!

     We use the word "praying" frequently on Facebook and in conversation. We tell people we are praying for them but are we really?  I know we aren't always following through with the commitment  we promised to someone that we will stop and talk to God asking for healing for them or their loved one, or peace, or joy, or safe keeping for others.

     Another thing about when we pray out loud in my opinion is to remember we are not speaking the words for others in the room. The prayer is not to make you look good. We are picking up the phone to God and placing a request or sending gratitude, but please remember you are not speaking out loud to accommodate the people who are hearing you pray.

      I recently heard a man open a conference call with prayer, he stumbled with his words a little during the opening prayer, and then said "I know I didn't do so good with the opening."  How ridiculous is it to apologize to people in the room for stuttering or stumbling over your words when you speak to God.  It makes me very sad to know that the love connection and the respect from the heart is not present because we are concerned how well our words flow and what people are thinking of us when they hear us pray.

     STOP and PRAY because according to your deceased loved ones it helps stuttering and all.