Every time I sit down to write because something has hit me over the head and I can't make it go away, I think "Now I've done it!" "Now Im in trouble!" "This is pushing the envelope." Not to break the pattern with this writing that is exactly how I feel right now as I sit and ask my guides to come in and give me the perfect language to tell this story.
This isn't a make believe story. It is real. It happened right here in my living room.
I love my clients that just won't go away. I realize at times that you have to have pretty thick skin to continue to come see me. I often hear myself tell people right before I am about to say something that I don't really want to tell them , "I know you don't pay me to tell you what you want to hear, but I believe you want what I get as messages from the non-physical." Another thing while I am telling you some of the reasons you may not want to come see me, especially with the whole "fam damily" as my neighbor would say, is because I deliver the messages the way I get them. Pay attention here. I repeat "Pay attention here!" Spirit will bust you out in front of whom ever is in the room. If you are doing something you don't want a family member to know then don't bring them to your reading.
I had a young woman bring her grand mother for a reading. The grand mother had a wonderful reading and felt the love of her husband and received validation from him things that no one would know. I don't remember all of this exactly the way it went down because that reading was about a year ago plus I don't remember everyones reading anyway.
The young woman brought her grand mother back again recently. I talked about pain and kept seeing the spine and feeling the pain in my neck at the base of my skull. The young woman said she had been in an accident and had surgery and was in tremendous pain. Without any hesitation I immediately felt "medical marijuana". I said " Spirit is showing me medical marijuana and I feel I am to encourage you to pursue treatment as it is legal now in Louisiana for medical use. The young woman said "The last time we were here you said you continued seeing grass burning as they burn the sugarcane fields when setting them on fire." "When we had no idea what you were talking about you just blurted out, "You guys aren't a bunch of pot heads are you?" As I sit here and type this I throw my head back and close my eyes in embarrassment. If you could see these people and this grand mother she is the picture of kindness and love and all things good. For me to hear that I threw that out there makes me angry with myself and obviously the young woman had been somewhat offended as she had remembered word for word what I said. Then she says "I have been using medical marijuana for pain relief since my accident." Her wonderful grandmother turned and looked at her in disbelief and said "You have Susan?" (not real name) She responded "Yes."
The grand mother then turns to me and said "Before my husband passed we were in the emergency room and the doctor asked him if he would consider using liquid marijuana." The elder man said "I don't want nothing to do with that stuff." I was sitting there listening to what was happening and saw a man with an upside down skillet on his head with the handle facing right above his face. I asked is there a reason he would put a skillet or a pot on his head? Thinking silently for a moment they both said "No." Then I saw a pot on his head. I asked instead of the skillet could it be a pot like you would cook in on his head... nothing but silence. The we all said at the same time "Is he saying "pot head"? Laughing together the young woman said Poppa is really here Nana.
I felt the message was that he was in great pain with his illness and even the doctor offered relief through liquid marijuana and he refused. Now he is referencing the use of marijuana and the grand daughter was brave enough and strong enough in character to admit in front of her grand mother that it was something she had sought for help. It was through her deceased grand father that he was bringing this forward. I am sure they have figured this out and have continued to work on the message but I believe he was giving her permission and sending all of his love and support.
It is with great honor, gratitude and grace that I am humbled to tell this story.