Saturday, July 23, 2016

"Chicken Skin!"

When my son and his family moved to St. Augustine, I was thrilled for him to have the opportunity to return to his roots.  His family on his father’s side is traced back to Ponce De Leon, the seeker of the Fountain of Youth and the city of St. Augustine.  I never thought about how it would affect me or what influence it may have on my life.  I do understand that all things have a reason and there are no coincidences. I just never thought about what may be in store for me because of his move.

I now live in St. Augustine part time.  I continue to serve as a medium and have added northeast Florida to the mix. The military wife in me loves exploring and this change has provided me with ample opportunities to do that.

While getting familiar with the area, my husband and I decided to drive south to a community called Cassadaga.  Years ago I heard of this place but had forgotten it.  During a conversation with a woman from Jacksonville who came to see me for a reading Cassadaga came up.  She was telling me it was a part of the Spiritualist Church basically being a community of psychic mediums. 

It’s true that if you hang out with a psychic the more psychic you become.  I’m not sure if this is simply “Birds of a feather flock together” mentality or if there is more to it than that, but I do know when I am reading for someone who is very intuitive. Intuitive people are typically less closed off and freely welcome what comes their way. They also tend to have better readings. I knew I wanted to visit Cassadaga the first chance I had.

It wasn’t long before I had a day off and Charlie and I set off to go exploring.  This time, I knew exactly where we were heading - South on I-95 to Cassadaga.  We arrived in an area of central Florida that was sort of a broken down looking community.  I had no real expectations so I didn’t lead with any ideas of how it would be. There was an old hotel where we parked and we decided to walk in and check it out.  The hotel dated back to the 1800’s with the original building and older furniture that would take you back in time.  It was very antiquated but elegant.  Charlie and I always seem to go separate ways, each of us being pulled towards our magnetic interests. This is my son’s way of saying we put our brains in our pockets and wandered around.

Almost at once I noticed a chair in the corner of the lobby.  It seemed like a lonely corner where there didn’t seem to be much foot traffic.  I hesitated before approaching the chair because I could feel the presence of a female sitting there.  I wanted to sit there, but I knew someone in the non-physical occupied the chair.  I stood in front of the chair hesitantly, trying to get a feel for whether I was going to interrupt the current sitter.  I leaned over and straightened the small pillow placed in the chair.  I stood straight and heard “Thank you.”  The voice seemed friendly so I felt I was allowed to sit with her.  I sat there with my sunglasses on, closing my eyes with my head tilted back for at least 15 minutes. If I was in her energy she was peaceful because I was very comfortable.  I began to feel eyes on me, as if people working there may be wondering  “What is that woman doing in the corner?”  The lobby was empty except for me, yet I was beginning to feel I was overstaying my welcome.  I stood up and my knees wobbled. I felt like an older persons knees were beneath me and that I may walk with a cane to steady myself.  I wondered if I was having a low blood sugar moment or what was happening to me.  I realized that possibly the older woman sitting there in spirit when I sat down on top of her may have been standing with me.  I steadied myself and walked away.

Our day at the camp included a stroll through the gift shop and the hotel restaurant where we skimmed over the Italian menu.  We spent time in the Visitors Center. There were brochures available on all the classes and readings by different mediums.  It was most interesting  when listening to other visitors  speaking with tour guides and volunteers.  People drove for many miles to hear tales of spirit activity and the history of the area.  It seemed people wanted to be spooked.  I was entertained with all the questions.

Charlie being a NASCAR lover made certain we drove to Daytona Beach and did some sight seeing and shopping.  While Charlie was in the pipe tobacco store I went to a shopping center.  I made a purchase of some bed linens and a quilt.  We drove back home to St. Augustine. I was opening my purchases when my seven -year- old grand daughter said “Nana why did you buy this Granny blanket?”  “You aren’t a Granny!”  I said “Do you think it looks like a Granny would own this?”  She laughed and said “Yes!”  That never once occurred to me.  I just put on the bed as a topper  to replace a comforter.  Charlie came in the room, then went and said to the rest of the family “Did you see the old lady blanket Allyson bought?”  Everyone came into my room one by one to comment on the fact that this quilt was totally out of character for me and asking what I was thinking.  It was true I didn’t own anything like this and this certainly wasn’t something I would normally be attracted to and I even thought about returning it, but firmly decided “No, I like it.”

The following day I was in my bedroom getting my morning meds when I heard with my inner ear “Chicken skin!”  I repeated it out loud as I normally do when I hear something through clairaudience.  I realized I was covered in goose bumps, which happens a lot when spirit is present.  This can be scientifically measured with an EMF detector.  This measures the electro magnetic field in the room when there is a spike of electricity or energy.  I normally refer to them as “goose bumps or truth bumps or God bumps”.  Only in Hawaii is the term “chicken skin” that I am familiar with used and it usually is meant to scare somebody.  I got the feeling it was an old expression someone was using to speak to me, referencing the goose bumps I had from my head to my toes.  I wasn’t really even aware of the present moment of what I was feeling until I looked up at the ceiling and realized I was standing right underneath an air vent blowing cold air.  I moved to the next room and told Nat about what I had just heard.  Then I told her about the quilt and how I sat in that chair at Cassadaga and wondered if I had the spirit of an older woman with me.  Nat is an encourager and is always entertained with what I share with her.  I recently told her she should author a book “My Mother in Law The Medium”. 

That night while sleeping I was on my side of the bed leaving the floor space to my immediate left open with Charlie laying to my right side.  Charlie sleeps with a sleep mask for health reasons.  He can’t talk through that.  I awoke to a scream that sounded very much like the sound my mother would make when she was a passenger in the car while I was learning to drive.  She would grab the dashboard and scream, sort of.  It is between a scream and a very high soprano trying to make  musical sounds without words.  Immediately I knew what just happened.  I was not scared one bit.  My granny visitor went all ghostly on me!  Very frustrated I said “That is so not necessary!’’ I then followed up with “That was just rude!”  Very close directly into my left ear she belted out that noise.  I chastised her and was not entertained. 

I have been studying ectoplasm and the energy spirit pulls from the medium to form a voice box.  I was down right not happy that if my visitor was going to make audible sounds she’d better speak words to me, and not some silly noises.  I want direct voice communication.

I got to thinking about this and in Granny’s defense if she has been hanging out in the lobby of the Cassadaga Hotel lobby, with visitors who want to be spooked looking for ghosts, then maybe she thought this was appropriate behavior.  I don’t know, but Nat and I are planning a quick run up to Cassadaga soon to see if they have a drive-thru when we can drop her off in a return slot.

Much love my kind and loving Granny visitor who helped me pick out a beautiful quilt.  I love and appreciate you but I think you may be happier at the hotel where you have possibly spent all of your afterlife. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Emotional Clutter In Your DNA - Could Be An STD

" I wish I knew then what I know now" rings true with this topic. I am now 58 years old.  I graduated from High School in 1975.  I was a good Christian girl that never even thought about sex until it was time to get married.  I was 17 then.  That marriage lasted about 2 years and I started making up for lost time after that.   To date I've been married five times.  To say I've kissed a lot of frogs seems way too innocent when counting how many one night stands I've had.  This was during the 1970's when I was young enough to enjoy drinking and dancing all night.  I'm one of the people who has experienced being in bed with a lover trying to remember his name.  I didn't feel dirty and I wasn't ashamed really,  I just knew that it wasn't what I was taught was acceptable behavior of a nice girl, that's all.

  I didn't think it really mattered knowing I had no idea who most of the men were thinking I would probably never see them again.  This was not a home town area.  I was living in Fort Walton Beach, FLA among a young military population where everyone is very transit.  I had a great job and met great guys.  I loved them least for the night.  Knowing I would never see them again was the good thing.  Then there are those awkward moments when you run into someone many years later and I mean MANY years later who feels so familiar when the first thing you think is "Did I sleep with you once?".  I have a good friend who he and I have actually had to go back and comb through our memories to try to recall where and if we had met before because we felt connected.  We haven't been able to identify the night or if we had ever met before but it sure seemed like we could have crossed paths at one time.  

This was during the time when "Herpes" was just being discovered.  I remember the American Medical Association saying it came from monkeys.  Then there was AIDES which originally the AMA said was from Haiti.  I wasn't sleeping with monkeys and I didn't know anyone from Haiti.  I was clear.  Pregnancy was the biggest concern I had because I was too uninformed to think otherwise.  

Transition to many years later.  I was going through the Hilton manager training program. I had been hired to be on the management team of several Hampton Inns.  The part I was dreading the most was housekeeping training which included 3 weeks of cleaning rooms and learning the hotel standards for a perfect guest room.  Once I began this training I learned to love it because there was something there I learned that I had never been aware of.  I could read the energy on the bed! I could tell what kind of rest the person had, if they were at peace or if they were not such a good person.  There was actually an energy imprint on the bed.  I could feel it.  It either felt kind and good or hostile and under pressure with not such a good rest.  I felt like I personally needed to go though a cleansing or ritual of some sort when exiting those rooms.  I can feel criminal activity, abuse and sexual energy.  I can feel pornography and lower energies and know if the person who slept in that bed had an illness or an addiction.  It wasn't good, but I loved stepping into each room and seeing what I was going to find next.  The girls working with me got a big kick out of me reacting to each room.  It wasn't about the cleaning process but what was unseen.  

After cleaning room after room and realizing the energy left behind from the previous guest was evident, it then occurred to me, "What in the heck does this mean when we pull people into our intimate space allowing them into our beds."  I then began to think back of 30 years ago when my life seemed to be on the spin cycle of a heavy duty washer.  I didn't know if I was coming or going. I am now aware that multiple sexual partners leaves one with mixed emotional signals within our vibrational system. This was all about choices I was making but now that I have an understanding of how energy works, it scares the hell out of me.  It is more scary than and more permanent than bodily fluids which seems really gross right now.

If you are an empath or a sixth sensory human being, which I know we all are to some degree, we will pick on things around us that serve as an information source.  First of all when we drink or use drugs that numb us out, we are setting ourselves up to navigate with no radar and you are too drunk to read a map.  You know nothing.  You could be in the middle of toxic waste and you are getting no vibes.  Use your gifts wisely.

I believe when we bring someone into our circle not necessarily sleeping with them simply hanging out with them too,  their stuff becomes our stuff.  What they carry around in their energy DNA definitely becomes a part of our permanent soul imprint.  If they have a crazy ex wife and bad children and debt and criminal activity in their life, then you have a crazy ex wife and bad children and debt and criminal activity in YOUR life.  It may seem to be undercover, (pun here) but it isn't.  You are affected and there is no easy pill or shot to make it go away.

 You must chose to clean your energy by your intentions, your thoughts your words and improve your vibration.  The law of attraction is always at work and remember that when you allow someone to be close, you are stepping into everything that is in their lives too.  You must learn to protect yourself through prayer asking that "Only what is of God and from God shall enter my space".  Also another good mantra is "I surround myself with the white light of the Holy Spirit."  Salt water is suppose to be a good cleanser for your auric field as well as burning bundles of cedar.  Smudging is usually thought to be done with sage, but I have been taught sage is for blessings and cedar bundles are for cleansing.

There ia no such thing as "Casual" sex or "Friends with Benefits" when you are entwining the energies of two people."