At the beginning of the year I wrote an article that Kris Wartel with the Daily Advertiser edited and printed where I spoke of what to expect the upcoming year. I talked about looking around you and figuring out what needs to go. What no longer serves you? If it doesn't feel good to you and you have kept it anyway it is keeping you from growing. The main lesson here is that stuff keeps us bogged down. My mother (now deceased) once said "You spend your whole life accumulating things to spend the end of your life trying to figure out how to get rid of them." I have repeated that to many seniors in their last years of their physical lives and they all agree. One of the reasons the majority of families fight when the parents die is over material things that the parents acquired. This causes a battle and disharmony in the family, and is one of the many reasons I think the Bible says to build your riches in heaven and not here on earth. I am the first to sign up for comfort and love a comfortable home, but we cannot get so attached to material things that it consumes our lives and takes away from what we need to focus on - peace. I wish I had all the money I have paid in storage unit fees for keeping stuff that wasn't worth the money I was paying to store it. If it doesn't serve you get rid of it. People get so much joy in receiving things they need from others but the real pleasure is how you feel when you give things away to people who need and appreciate your gifts.
This flood has forced many people of Louisiana to let go of what they had. This is making way for what is new. 2017 is a year of one which is a year of brand new beginnings. I have a friend in Lafayette whose home was crammed packed with stuff. Everything you can imagine - from the Christmas tree decorations her parents owned to every thing her adult children made from first grade forward. Book shelves were jammed packed with things that meant so much to everyone in the family - from paperbacks to newspapers. There was the entire family history in that home. Military families learn to let go and start over with so much because you are allowed so many pounds that can be shipped from one duty station to another. There are others who haven't moved every few years and are pack rats. When the universe allows you to let go of the old it is because you are making room for the new. Change is coming. Instead of us looking at how broken our hearts are over what we cannot change and have no control over, let's make a shift in how we look at this disaster and know we have a lot to look forward to. It is exciting to know new things and circumstances are coming into your life.
I have recently read stories of people meeting while helping each other. People write and speak of others they have crossed paths with for the sake of caring. People you don't know coming to help you and people that need to know you showing up at your door. This is the humanitarian aspect of the number 9.
I have a friend who played football for the University of Alabama and his brothers did as well. They are the biggest Alabama Crimson Tide fans alive. I have heard him say that people from Louisiana come to Alabama just to drive through the tunnel slowly and to honk their horns. We all know there is no love lost between the LSU Tigers and The Alabama Crimson Tide. However, this very same friend who talked smack about the people of Louisiana is heading up a drive to donate building supplies and other items of disaster relief for those who suffered in this flood. People coming together no matter what football jersey they wear is BIG between these two states.
Please know the words we speak and the thoughts we have create our lives. Try to let go of the heart ache along with disappointment and get ready to be surprised. Ask for your every need to be met. Someone is listening.