Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Mary Had A Little Lamb"

How do I know so much about you, your family, loved ones and those who have passed on? I don’t. Praying for you by name allows me to step into your energy and receive messages from those who have passed on. I am a vehicle for messages from the nonphysical.  I used to be so concerned about getting it right that I spent hours in prayer and meditation for just one person, begging God for the words to speak. I finally realized the words didn’t come from me and was able to stop being fearful of being wrong. This allowed me to simply focus on what messages were coming through and share with you.

  In the earlier years, when booking a reading, I wanted names at birth and birthdates because I used numerology as my oracle. I love numerology and find it fascinating and easy to learn. I still teach it to my children and grandchildren. No longer do I need dates of birth since my way of gathering messages has changed. I’ve learned so much over the years and have found a clear and open mind with simply a name allows the energy to flow best. I don’t ask your birthday unless I believe you are also a mystic and want to see if that shows in your numbers.  I can also look at compatibly though birthdates in relationship work.

This blog of mine is to let you in on a secret: the information and messages I pass on to you are not generated from me. I choose to know nothing about you prior to a reading and don’t even see your face during a reading, as I wear a blindfold. I receive a download of info from my team appointed by God and that is what I pass on to you.  I’m not bogged down with needing to think of something witty or profound to say to you. The messages simply travel through me to get to you.  Let me give you some recent examples of what I mean.

A client in Louisiana booked on line for a phone reading.  She used her name, Gloria, and phone number as a point of contact. Unbeknownst to me at the time, in the “NOTES” section of the online form, she indicated she had booked the reading for a friend, Holly and gave Holly’s phone number.  I spent thirty minutes getting ready for Gloria’s reading.  It wasn’t until I called to begin the reading, using the number stated, that I saw the reading wasn’t for Gloria at all but was for Holly.  I explained my mistake to Holly and told her any messages may not be for her because I was asking for messages for Gloria.  Suggesting we continue the reading (I have learned that my guides know who is coming to a reading even when I don’t) I delivered the messages I assumed I had been given for Gloria. The reading was exactly for whom it was to be - Holly. She validated things specific to her life that brought her to tears.

There was another similar situation this week when I received a thank you letter from a woman who booked a reading, hoping her friend would join her.  Her friend wasn’t agreeable to meet with me. However,  the information she was seeking for her friend was delivered, and healing messages were received.  I am including the letter here.

Hey Allyson,
Just wanted to say it was so nice meeting you and thank you for the time we spent together. I had no expectations what so ever when I came to see you. I was drawn to you I believe because of my friend Lori whom I discussed with you, about maybe giving her some advice. I now know why you were seeing and speaking with some of spirits that I could not validate in my mind. Some of what you told me was about me but I believe my will for "her" came through stronger than my own will to know. I think you can understand that? I invited her over yesterday to listen to my reading. First she was skeptical and syndical as we all can be. Then she started listening to you and tears kept streaming down her face. She asked me for a pen and paper. So I went and got her one. She wrote down key points to her as you spoke. Crying, crying and crying. We picked out things that did pertain to me. Mostly your reading was for her. Which is just so awesome in my book. I am so pleased you were able to validate some things for her. Your key words: Catholic, badge, captain, hedge, Joseph, June, the number 8, Texas, roses, green, carpenter, hammer, gun suicide, head trauma, blood, milk carton, over alls with one buckle undone, etc.
her favorite cousin Henry Andrew committed suicide with a gun to his head. He was a landscaper and builder. You kept saying hedges... that's where he was found. he always wore green converse tennis shoes with over alls. Lori said he bought like 20 pair of green tennis shoes so he would always have them. She said she used to wear his over alls sometimes always with one shoulder undone. He used to tease her if she didn't straighten up she was going to end up on the face of a milk carton, it was a standing joke with them. He took his life in June on the 8th day as you kept seeing. Her cousin had a neighbor whom he called captain, he was the captain of the local police force, also the one who found his body. The roses you were seeing were because every year on her birthday he would send her roses. The birthday cake with no candles was because her and him shared the same birthday. Her grandmother wouldn't put the candles on the cake until after she brought it out so they could each share the cake and take turns blowing out their own candles. Lisa told me her grandmother always told her Henry Andrew was in hell because he took his own life. (Catholic) You validated for her that he wasn't when you said that he went to the light. This was such a wonderful closer for her. Also her cousin lived in northern Texas. The wonderful puzzle that you put out has all the pieces put together now. Although I don't think either you or I was conscience of this at the time. Universe works in mysterious ways. I'm Sure my energy and will to try to help her with her gifts was blocking your way of seeing your way for me. I'm happy you were able to help her. I left your home perplexed, believing everything you said was true but I just couldn't relate to most of it. I'm glad you made me record it and we were able to pass on what she needed to hear. Many blessings to you, your work and your path. Lori and I will be seeing you and hopefully you will be able to guide her on her own gifts. She said her mother took her to a psychiatrist and had her tested for talking with and about spirits. Then her mother took her to a priest to get this evil gift out of her. Finally succumbing to it her mother took her to a medium for answers. The medium just told her mother she didn't need to be there or any advice from her. Lori has a wonderful gift and refused to say any more. After that Lori tried to bury her gifts for 20 years, then after we met they just came flowing back. I know I shouldn't but I feel compelled to seek help for her to understand. I'm sure that is why I was drawn to seek and meet you. Hope all of this makes sense and I only mean the highest good in this. I know you are busy but wanted to share. Thank you again, you are a blessing and an amazing woman.
Amanda Lynn

  All the more reason to have confidence in my guides who know more than I. Referring to this blog as “Mary Had a Little Lamb” is a rather “tongue in cheek” way to show I simply go where I am led.

In Louisiana, my former home, knowledge of me as an intuitive is through someone I had read for.  Though I never advertised, there were several papers, magazines and books published about me, but never effort on my part to gain clients or to build a business. The people who were supposed to find me did. Having recently moved to Florida, I now have a website and have gained the attention of many eager to hear from beyond. I do see my abilities as both a gift and a responsibility. Those who are open minded enough to seek me out are rewarded with either having closure or receiving comfort knowing their loved ones are at peace.

Some are not comfortable with the concept of communicating from beyond and will make derogatory comments on Facebook. My feelings are not hurt and I won’t try to educate them about my abilities. To each his own. I live by faith and always try to do my best for everyone. I will not pass on false information or fake words from those who have passed on. I refuse to provide a “show” or “entertainment,” but truly act as a vehicle to give messages from those who have gone before us. If you are a nonbeliever, I’m sorry you miss these opportunities to communicate, but I understand. However, if you are open to the idea of hearing from loved ones or are even just curious, reach out. These messages are not necessarily for your sake, but maybe your loved one having something they need you to know. It’s really all about them.

Thanks very much for reading my blog. Everything I have written is based on actual readings.
