Monday, June 11, 2012

Grace Joy and Faith

It was the middle of the night. Out of a sleep I woke up excitedly to realize that I had a message!   It felt  good as if it came in a big box with beautiful wrapping paper and a fabulously hand tied bow.

Grace was an older lady.  I knew she had a sincere desire to do what was right and had a good heart.  I heard her voice on the phone and my spirit melted with her radiant kindness.  I get information through the vibration of your voice.  When she booked her appointment and I called in my guides asking to bring through anyone in spirit who wanted to speak to her I had a cranky, negative male energy that stepped up.  I kept thinking I was wrong, because someone with a heart like she had just didn't seem to go hand in hand with such a pain in the neck personality.  She identified him.  He had given me his middle name.  It was her husband, who was in spirit.

Another woman came to see me from Texas.  I couldn't say her name correctly for some odd reason.  What I have learned is that the people that are in spirit will start to change my words, and give me the symptoms or feelings of what they experienced before they made their exit into the non-physical.  The client's name was "Joe".  Every time I would speak her name, my mouth would say "Joy".  I would go back and read her name, and tell myself, her name is "Joe".  Yet my guides had me calling her "Joy".  I have done enough readings to know there is a reason for things to go the way they do.  When she arrived the first thing I said to her is "I know your name is Joe, but do you know who Joy is?"  She said, "That was my sister, her name was Joyce and she died thirty years ago."  On her paper where I had made notes before she arrived I had written "Joy/Joyce".

The night before my next reading in the middle of the night was when I realized the woman who was booked the next day was named "Faith". That is when I realized all three woman were a gift to me from God.

I am pretty convinced that there are some jobs that we step up to do, that are just not how we planned to go through life.  I ask God often to let me know if I am on the right track, doing what I am called to do, because I am thinking no one in their right mind would say "Hey God!" "Let me suffer ridicule and people question my mental stability so that I can work for you."  I believe this was a clear message when "Grace, Joy, and Faith" showed up.

Galatians 5:22-23

New International Version (NIV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

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