After a long summer of thousands of miles of travel I am back in Arnaudville and booking readings. Looking back on the months of June, July, and August I see a theme. Along with this theme were visits to three different theme parks. I didn't ride many rides, but I stood by while my grand children rode rides and I watched. I was an observer and at times a participant. The desire for my summer was to not participate much in readings but to take it easy and enjoy myself as I felt I had been working really hard. It didn't quite work out that way. Spirit continued to teach me.
I took more than one call this summer, with the caller starting the conversation with "Allyson something horrible has happened." The last call I took like this, I hung up then slipping down onto the floor from the sofa where I had been sitting, folded my arms flat on the near-by coffee table, placed my head face down and began to cry. I remember my daughter in law and Charlie coming quickly to ask what happened. At that point I felt as though I never wanted to do this work again.
I very much believe that when we show up on this planet we have chosen our parents, and the life lessons we are to learn. Sylivia Browne calls it "Our chart." With God we choose when we are going to show up, what we are here to accomplish while learning how we may serve, and when we are going to make our exit to return home to be with God again.
When you come or call for a reading with me, I totally depend on my guides and angels and heavenly helpers to deliver the words that I am to say to you. When I give messages from Spirit, I wish I knew to the degree that I should tell you "REALLY pay attention to this one!" If I did, would it change things? I don't know the answer to that, or if we are even suppose to change things.
A few months ago, I was doing a reading for a woman over the phone. She lives in Virginia. One of the messages that came through was, "Tell the boys mother to keep matches away from them." I saw one little boy sitting cross legged while striking matches. I asked my client, the grandmother to go through her house and get all of the matches and cigarette lighters and put them away out of a small child's reach. I reminded her to pass that on to the mother of those children. That was one small part of her reading. I did not see a fire, I simply saw a small boy playing with matches. I had totally forgotten about that until the morning I received a telephone call from one of her family members. The voice calling me said "Allyson something horrible has happened!" Karen's grandsons died in a house fire last night." They want to know if you knew, and just didn't want to tell them?" I responded "Heavens no!" Then she said, "Well the fire started in their room in the bed." They do not know the cause of the fire yet, but the boys were four and six, and you had warned them about not letting the boys play with matches. That is when it hit me, that Spirit did send a warning about taking matches away. "The family is asking to see you." she continued. That is when I asked if I could call her back. I needed a moment to pull myself together.
This wasn't the only death I had experienced this summer. One of the most precious women you would ever want to meet, had been a client of mine since I first moved to Louisiana, was found dead. She was beautiful, and in her 40's. In her last reading I had asked her to go to her family members that she no longer spoke to, and make things right with them. It wasn't because I saw her death, it was because I felt the other's would be leaving the planet. Many years ago this woman lost the love of her life. After only three months of marriage her perfect husband was killed by a drunk driver. I didn't want her having to live her life with guilt and shame from not having a loving relationship with people that were important to her. The message was clear, but I did not know the reason of the message, and that she would be dying. Just as I didn't see two precious children passing in a fire. I did deliver the message to keep matches away.
I was fortunate enough to meet with the parents of the boys before the funeral. It was merely by chance I was in the neighboring state of West Virginia visiting my son and his family. They asked to see me. Charlie and I drove to the grandmothers home where we met. I went in thinking I was going to give words of encouragement and possibly pray with them. What happened surprised me! On the way there I sat in the passenger seat quietly when I began getting messages. The name "Ruby" came through strongly. I heard "Don't get water in your ears." I saw a symbol for a hammer. I saw a symbol for a birthday cake, but the candles were all crooked not standing straight up neatly. The candles looked more like a child had placed them on the cake. I heard the word "porpoise" and I heard "nail polish". I stopped taking notes arriving at the home, when Charlie and I went in and sat down.
I was first greeted by the father. He had gone into the burning house the night of the fire to rescue the boys. He had been airlifted to a burn center. His hands were wrapped in gauze, and there were deep burns on his legs and knees. I asked him how he was and he told me he was on antibiotics and pain medication. The entire family looked as though they were all in shock, and so very fragile. I had prayed God would give me the wisdom and the ability to speak words of comfort and healing.
We all gathered in one room. There was silence when I began by telling them that my intent had not been to come to do a reading, and connect with the boys, but now that was my inclination to close my eyes, just as I always do when I work, and tell what I am getting. The grandmother was sitting there, the mother and father of the boys, along with another family member and Charlie. I asked "Does anyone know Ruby?" The grandmother said "That was my grandmother!" I said she greeted the boys on the other side. She said "That makes sense!" I followed up with why would I hear "nail polish"? The whole family laughed. The mother said one of her little boys begged for his fingers and toes to be polished and not too long ago he had poured out all of her fingernail polish. I asked about the hammer, and she said two days before the accident, the little one went though out the entire house hitting the furniture and the walls and doors and everything with a toy hammer." I asked about "Don't get water in your ears." That is when the Daddy began to cry and said that he was experiencing a bad ear infection, and he was always saying how he couldn't get water in his ears. And the word "porpoise"? They had just vacationed in Virginia Beach. The boys were in awe of the porpoises and their aunt had taken them to a porpoise show. The birthday cake, was because one of the children would turn a year older the following week, and there was a lot of excitement around his birthday that was coming up.
I was looking at the boys birthdays. Looking at their numbers and realized one of the children was a double two. In numerology that would mean, very loving and lovable. I asked if this child was one who would want to cuddle and be held? No one said anything. I asked again. Silence filled the air. So I said, "OK, was he a little shit?" "If he was you can tell me!" At that very moment, the pen I was holding completely exploded in my hand. The metal clicker shot across the room, followed by the top plastic portion then the long skinny ink thing, and the metal spring. I was left holding just the empty plastic bottom portion of the pen. The parts flew across the room! We were all shocked! I said "Ok so he isn't a little shit." Everyone laughed and was startled! The dad said "The thing is, we could not keep a pen." All we had to use to write with were the insides of a pen, the skinny plastic ink cartridge part." He took apart every pen in our house! We all knew we had just witnessed physical phenomena and that the boys showed us they were with us.
That was the whole purpose of going and visiting with the the parents. Their spirits came through and showed that soul is eternal. The physical body is gone, but the boys in spirit are still around sending their love. The father admitted he was skeptical prior to our visit, but he knows now that the boys are still around in spirit. The casket was closed and no one including the parents were allowed to see or touch the boys and say goodbye. This visit they said, gave them the closure they needed to know their children are still with them.
As I stood in theme parks across the nation this summer from Hershey, Pennsylvania, to Disney World in Orlando, to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, I realized that life has been a roller coaster ride of emotional twists and turns during summer vacation. Life to death will always be a rickety old wooden roller coaster ride.