Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Psychic Medium States "Money Does Fall From The Sky"

Some days you wake up and you just know it is a day that you have a lot of work to do.  I woke up this morning and heard "Sylvia".  The only Sylvia I know is the famous psychic medium Sylvia Browne.   She has been deceased a few years now.  That is why later in the day when I saw a woman in Louisiana had made multiple attempts to contact me I wasn't surprise that I found myself reaching for one of Sylvia's books.

The client told me she read on Facebook where I was coming to Louisiana and wanted to see me.  She had been thinking about me yesterday, called and left me a message and then something really weird happened today so she called back again today.  She went on to tell me this story.

 "I am taking care of a house that my bother in law and his wife owned."  She was telling me that the house is completely empty and "There is not a stick of furniture in it." she said.   She described rooms with no furniture at all and her being completely alone in the house while mopping the floors.  She was almost through making her way to the door when she heard something hit the floor.  She turned around and in the middle of the room was a shiny dime.  She said "Miss Allyson I just got through mopping that floor." "There was no dime there, besides I just heard it fall and hit the floor."  She said "I have to be honest with you this kind of creeped me out."  She said "I picked up my purse went over picked up the dime and got out of there."

This is when Sylvia comes in.  I have a book entitled "Phenomenon" "Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal" written by the famous psychic medium.  That is my go to book when I need to give a definition to something that I don't know how to explain.  I did know what this was however.  This wasn't my first experience with this activity.  I was in a seance once at a Spiritualist Church Camp in Roanoke, VA  for mediumship when a coin first appeared dropping from mid air. I knew the explanation I was about to read was going to sum up what this was about.

     Sylvia writes, "The spirit world can and does manipulate physical objects here on earth in some marvelous, dramatic ways, often transporting them through space and seemingly impenetrable barriers so that they appear in places we would swear they can't possibly be.  That wonderful manipulation is called aport or apportation.  
     Sadly, infuriatingly and or unfairly, the spirit world isn't always given the credit it deserves for apportation.  Most often, we frantically search for any earthly explanation, no matter how idiotic, when even a glaring example of an aport occurs-absent-mindedness, carelessness, burglars with a sudden attack of conscience, anything but the simple truth that the spirit world tries in countless ways to get our attention and let us know they're with us."

My client asked me if I had ever experienced anything like this before.  Other than the seance there was a Mother and her teenage daughter who came to see me here in Florida.  There was a story about coins, and how the teenager was always finding coins.  I remember seeing Abraham Lincoln and knowing I was looking at a penny.  The teenager was wearing shorts and when she stood up there was one penny laying on the red leather love seat she and her mother were sitting on during the reading.  The Mother's purse was on the floor and the young girl had no purse or money.  I pay attention to my room before a reading and I can tell you there was no penny on that sofa when they sat down.

The woman who had this experience with the dime said that the day before she had been at the cemetery cleaning up and placing flowers on her parents grave.  I found this odd only because I jumped up yesterday morning and told my family, "Get dressed we are going to the cemetery."  I felt an urgent need to go visit my son's grandmother who is buried here in St. Augustine.  I've never done this before because it was my (one of my) ex-mother in law.  I loved her but I divorced her son almost 35 years ago.  When Natalie and I got there we found police tape blocking the entrance to the cemetery.  There were downed trees from hurricane Matthew and fallen branches and debris everywhere.  Head stones were turned over and broken.  It was a mess!  Natalie knew where Mrs. Capallia was buried so we parked the car and walked there. We stayed for an hour or so with me speaking love over my family and all the ones who we have loved.  I spoke peace to all of the souls who may have been troubled over the destruction of their final resting place. We picked up sticks and debris, replaced an American flag at the grave of a  World War I soldier saying "Thank you sir." and straightened flowers blown over.  I've said this before and I will say it again.  I know your loved ones appreciate and know when you honor them and visit their grave.  You do not have to go to where people are buried to speak to them for them to hear you, but when you do I know it is noticed as I believe the dime came from the loved ones whose graves she had tended to the previous day.

 As I was telling this story I started hearing messages that she has validated for me.  She wasn't sure who brought her the dime but now she too believes indeed her brother and her father were coming through and gifted her with the dime, showing their gratitude for the work she does in their memory.