Friday, August 25, 2017

Storms in Your Life #Harvey

Mans natural instinct is to divide and conquer.  The energy of me against you is either taught or possibly in our DNA.  I do not know for sure, but that seems to be how humans want to move through life finding ways we are different.  I am grieved to type this.  It reminds me of the eclipse a few days ago.  I was in a doctor’s office while Charlie was undergoing a hearing test.  There was one receptionist in the room with me.  As I was sitting watching the eclipse on television, I became overwhelmed with love for the people of the planet who experience discrimination because of their skin color.  I prayed and wept as I sat alone in the corner of the waiting area.  The receptionist had stepped out to lunch.  When she returned we began to talk.  She was a woman of color.  Together we agreed in Jesus name to pray peace and blessings over the hearts of people who are motivated by hate and bigotry.  When I left the office with Charlie there were other staff members who came in where we were no longer alone.  It was time to go.  She and I hugged and embraced for several seconds.  As I was walking out the door I turned and said “What is your name?” She told me. I smiled and said “I’m Allyson.” Charlie and I  walked out.  Getting in the car Charlie said, “Did you read for her”? I said “No.” He didn’t ask me anything else.

My point in telling you this is that we are at a point today August 25, 2017 in the United States of America where we can no longer focus on how we are different but what we must do to survive.  Recently Spirit said to me “America is not safe.”  It was during the past week or so where North Korea was in the news a lot, and I assumed that was what was meant.  I know now the message was not about North Korea.  We are not safe from our selves and how destructive we lead our lives.  We are not safe when the earth’s atmosphere becomes violent from natural occurrences.

I received a prophetic message earlier this week that it was going to be a wet hurricane season.  I posted that on my Facebook Tuesday August 21st.  Yesterday I was walking along the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  The beach and water and sky could not have been more beautiful.  I was in deep gratitude for the planet.  As I was walking back to my car with my feet in the dry white sand I saw a vision of globs of oil along the beach.  I recalled in my heart the angst of seeing the beautiful gulf coast plagued from oil spills in the past.  I felt in my heart God was telling me there is one coming.

I am asking that you pray.  Put down your swords and guns from the battles you live and create every day, while fighting those around you.  Let go of whom you hate.  Turn your back on those who hurt you.  Get on your knees and ask your higher power for protection for all the people of the earth.  Pray peace and blessings on those who hate you.  Forgive those who you know don’t love you.  I am personally experiencing rejection from the people I love the most.  I send them more love.  I will allow them to make there own choices and move through their lives in the way that works best for them.  I know what pain and suffering is.  I know what rejection feels like.  The good news is I don’t remember whom it is I’m not suppose to love.   I just continue to move through life as though nothing happened because the truth is even though the hurt has bruised my soul,  I have new goals to conquer.  If forgetting is a gift, then that is my greatest gift that God gave me.  I can tell you that not remembering everything is not a bad thing.

I am asking that each of you surrender to God and ask “How may I serve”?  What can you do to bring peace to this planet? Start with your own life.  Focus on what is the most important thing you can do to think and speak words of kindness and compassion over your own life. 

I am asking God in the name of Jesus to cover the earth with protection from deception and lies’ and pray we will all be kept safe from the storms of life.  I am a follower of Christ.  Some of you are other religions.  I honor that.  Connect with your heart going within and ask “What would my God do?” 

All of my love,

Allyson Glyn Schram

Friday, August 11, 2017

Who Are You Sleeping With?

     I am not writing this referring to one individual but to so many women who can't figure out why their romantic life isn't what they want.  Now if there is anyone to teach about romance it is NOT me.  I KNOW I have difficulty allowing people to get close to me and this includes marriage.  In numerology I  have what is called 2 - 5 energy in my birthdate.  The 2 in numerology is very loving and lovable while the 5 says "Keep Your Distance!".  I can recognize this duality in people's personalities right off the bat.  If your actions are saying love me love me love, "Don't you love me?" but you are carrying around a great big psychic "GO AWAY" sign above your head, you are sending out mixed messages.  What is it that you want?  Do you want to be loved or do you want to be left alone?  If your answer is "Both." then you have some decisions to make.  

     I cannot tell you how important it is to "Know thyself".  You cannot get to know you without sitting down in silence, going within and knowing how you feel.  When you know what you don't want it is so much easier to know what you do want.  That is where your past is so valuable.  Through what you have learned so far in life, the pain and choices you've made have helped you to identify what does not work for you. (WE HOPE)  Start by spending time in silence and ask yourself simple questions.  "What makes me happy."  "What would I have done differently."  Take this wisdom and go forward.

Now here is where this blog gets good.

     When I went through the Hilton training program becoming a hotel manager, I had to spend two weeks working with the housekeeping department.  I learned everything there is to know about cleaning a hotel room.  What Hilton did not teach me, is that I could read the energy on the bed from the hotel guest who had slept there the night before.  I could tell what type of rest they had.  I could feel if they were troubled.   Corporate anxiety and being under pressure with business travel was different from leisure travel energy.

      Then I got to thinking.  If I can read the imprint of the energy left on the bed, what the hell does that say about the energy imprint left on me from whom ever I slept with?  I was terrified.  So ok, there wasn't just the craziness or insanity from whatever that partner carried in their energy field, but knowing I may have had sex with them, they left their bodily fluids inside of my body.  OH MY GOD! Now our DNA is mixed and that is a permanent soul marker!!! Sexually transmitted disease was a totally different thing from what I am talking about.  Maybe a trip to the doctor will solve your STD problem, but now you have an imprint of what they carry in their energy field imprinted in your energy field!!  This is unbearable for me to think of. As I write I still throw my head back and shutter over realizing how badly I messed up.  If they had craziness in their life, hatred, resentment addictions, lack consciousness or any of those lower energies they carried in their aura, now I just dove in and said "Yes I will have a big heaping serving of all of that in my life too!"  "Thank you very much."  It works similar to placing your hand into piece of memory foam.  When you remove your hand your imprint stays and slowly lifts out.

When you find your life and relationships are not working you must STOP and clean yourself up. Look at what you have been attracting being aware you are carrying energies from past relationships everywhere you go.  You are allowing all that you don't want to bleed into new relationships.

Ladies I am 59 years old.  I was the Queen of one night stands in the late 1970's into the 1980's.  My life was a disaster.  Now I look back and know my sexual behavior was sabotaging any success I may desire.  I will not be sharing my body as I grow older, but for those of you who crave intimacy I beg of you to not just look for tall, dark and handsome or how well they dance. Look at what is in their life and ask if you want a big fat helping of all that too.

All my love,

Saturday, August 5, 2017

"No Thank You I'll Do It Myself" said the dead man.

Recently I was interviewed by a casting director from the United Kingdom looking for psychics.  One of the many questions she asked me was, "Has there ever been a situation where you could not read for someone?"  I answered "Yes!"  "On occasion in my career people have said "No" to everything, only later to come back and say..."Is this what you meant" or something like "I now know what that is".  I also told her I have actually had to tell people if they have been drinking or are taking drugs that numb them out it is difficult for me to step into their energy to only tell them they are blocking whatever it is they are supposed to be receiving. The story I am about to tell occurred after my interview.  I want to share it with you.  It is the first time I can recall this has happened.

A woman I don't know booked a reading.  She had a wonderful reading hearing from her ex mother in law who was really strong with a dictator type energy.  She told me her Mother in law was from Czechoslovakia and was very strong in life and opinionated. The energy of her daughter who is living was coming through with current issues she is going though. I kept seeing my sign for suicide and lower energies.  The client recognized that.  I saw a man with a mustache and other specific features she knew to be her Dad.  I saw a layered cake which is my sign of a birthday cake.  She said "Today is his birthday." There were many things he showed me including that he was in the army but I never saw a flag.  She told me he was in the British army.  Later in the reading I did see a flag that was folded in a triangle as they place in the hands of family of the widow of a fallen soldier at the funeral.  She told me that he was given an American flag at his funeral as a gift of having served even though he was in the British Army.   I heard "Orange Street" she confirmed they grew up on "Orange Street". All of this confirmation but he wasn't really talking to me and she wanted more from him.

I was frustrated I had him and he was showing me things with me relaying what I was seeing.  It just wasn't enough for her.  It wasn't enough for me either.  It felt like he wasn't going to talk.  I didn't get it!  It felt like he was holding back.  She wanted to hear specific quotes from him but there was NOTHING.  We reached the end of our reading and both were happy with what we had accomplished even though she didn't get the messages she was looking for.

The next day I received this text:

Allyson- just wanted to tell you of two things that happened yesterday after our reading - I was working on a project & had the TV on but wasn't really watching it.  I just happened to look up at it and at that exact moment the words "Ship Shape" were on the screen as the title of the next segment that was coming on.  If you remember the saying I wanted to hear from my Dad was "Ship shape in Bristol fashion"! Then later when I was driving to the nursing home to see my Mom, a blue Mylar Happy Birthday balloon floated through the air right in front of my car! I think he was trying to let me know he's there!

As the conduit for the messages I believe he was holding back with me, because he had a big surprise for her planned and he didn't want me to deliver the message for him because he wanted to do it.  I can't recall something this strong and so significant that the non physical carried out after I knew they were holding back.  I am happy for your loved one to steal the show and kick me to the curb.  It's all God so you go God!

Never underestimate the power of your loved ones.  Just because you can't see them does NOT mean they are not with you.