Thursday, November 30, 2017

Your Pets Do Not Die

     People often want to know if animals come through in Spirit after they move into the non-physical. My experience tells me that a lot of time animals are stronger in Spirit than our friends and family.

     I can often detect pet energy around a person with me getting the type of pet, and usually the breed. If I don’t know the breed, I can describe the pet. Dogs are pretty frequent visitors from the other side, as are horses. It is funny that these pets will bring through memories, trying to get me to remind their owner of something that happened when they were alive. Here is an example of what I am referencing. Recently in my preparation for a reading, Spirit said to me “Wonder Dog”. I wrote it down. When I delivered that to the client she said “No” that she had no clue what I was talking about. At the end of her reading she told me “I had a black dog when I was growing up.” It had a patch of white hair right on its chest under its neck. The dog’s name was Black she said. I use to take a black magic marker, and write a capital “B” on its chest on that patch of white hair. I sewed a cape and tied it around the dog’s neck, and the dog would wear the cape. Do you think that is what it means? This was after she had told me “No!” to almost everything I had given her. I could not believe that she would have to ask me that. The dog wore a super hero’s cape and she wants to know if it was “Wonder Dog” that Spirit was referencing? Really? I have lived off faith for so long in my readings that I no longer accept "No."  I tell you what I am getting and then keep going.

     I can tell if there is a cat near by in Spirit, and if it is a long hair cat or a short hair cat. Cat energy is as sneaky in spirit as they are in the physical. I was recently invited to visit a radio station, KBON in Crowley, LA. This station is known to be haunted. The woman who had arranged the visit with radio station management for the late night paranormal investigation, brought with her video cameras, and audio equipment. I was sitting in the darkness in a room in the front of the building, with my back to the street. The building was built many years ago, and has served as many places of business, before the radio station moved in. It was late into the night and all the lights in the building were off. Behind me was plate glass that would serve as the store window front. The video camera was filming, when I said, “I am getting cat energy.” No one said anything, as no one could verify that. A couple of days later, the woman who had owned the video equipment called me. She said, “This is kind of funny.” “You were sitting facing the camera, with your back to the street. In the film you can see the sidewalk, from the street light outside lighting the way. About five seconds after, as if right on cue, when you said “I’m getting cat energy”, a black cat came slowly walking pass the window down the sidewalk.”

     Chickens seem to come through easily and cows too. What I know happens is that the vibration of the energy is there, but the love connection of a close and personal relationship between the pet and its owner can show up front and center. I never know who is going to pop in, man or man’s best friend.

     I was sitting in a development circle one evening recently with a group of students who attend a class to develop their intuitive ability. We were sitting with our eyes closed as the instructor had asked that this be a time where messages are given. We each sit and wait to receive a message from Spirit, and deliver it to the person we believe it is for. As I am calling in my guides all of a sudden from nowhere, a little brown and white dog aggressively comes in. He comes in over my right shoulder and is moving quickly as though he is chasing something. He is angrily showing teeth and appears to have a target in mind that he would like to sink his teeth into while tarring it apart. The thing about this little dog is that he is wearing one of those half cylinder shields that are placed around a dog’s neck when a veterinarian has cared for him. I believe these are used to keep the pet from turning around reaching and chewing at its wounds. No one is speaking, so I softly say to the circle, “I have a dog here.” I then proceed telling the group how I see this animal. He came in with such force! He stopped suddenly as though something held him back. For some reason it seemed that it was as though he expected to bolt into the room entering through a doggie door and he couldn’t make it through or like ran into a brick wall stopping abruptly. I didn’t know, but something had stopped this animal quickly. When I gave details of the dog, my grand daughter, Cait, who was visiting me, said, “I know of a dog like you are describing.” He is brown and white, and he chases me on my bike when I am visiting at my Dad’s. She went on to say “He has bitten a lot of people.” I said “Is this dog in spirit now?” She said, “Not that I am aware of.” No one else could claim this. I let it go, and another person began to deliver a message.

     There is a saying in this work, and it is “Dare to deliver.” It isn’t up to us to interpret the message, but it is up to us to give it the way we are getting it. I didn’t know why this little angry fellow showed up, but I knew he had made his presence known for a purpose, and I delivered the news of him as he was wanting to be recognized by the group.

     When I shared this story, a friend of mine said “Allyson I’m not comfortable with you telling people these stories are all true, when you can’t confirm for sure who the little dog is and if he is dead.” I said, “Okay.” “Charlie and I know where we believe this little dog’s owner lives, we will go over there, knock on their door, and say, “Hello.” “I am a psychic medium and I believe the spirit of your little dog came to visit me.” “We haven’t seen him in a while, might he by chance be DEAD?”

     The same afternoon this person challenged me on this, Charlie and I got in the car and drove to the curve in the road where the little dog chased the cars. We pulled up in a driveway. Gosh it was hot! There was an older woman sitting on a riding lawn mower, with a sunhat that tied under her neck, and long sleeves and socks and pants as though she was trying to protect her self from the sun. She appeared to be in her 70’s. I didn’t even want to get out of the air -conditioned car, so Charlie got out and walked up to her. He left the engine running and stood there and talked to her for several minutes. I am thinking, “How long does it take to ask if this is the house of the little dog that chases cars?” He came back after what seemed to be 20 minutes, and got in the car. I said, “What did she say?” He said, “She said she has a flat tire on the lawn mower.” “Are you kidding me?” “No” he said. She is trying to figure out what to do next with the riding lawn mower, and I think she thought I was there to service the mower.” “Charlie did you get to ask about the dog?” She told me “Oh yeah, he is a friendly little thing and lives next door.” She said she hasn’t seen him in a while either, but said he is so sweet and is doing well. I am thinking, how does a sweet little dog, decide to become a vicious animal that chases trucks with 18 wheels? How does that happen? Charlie said we are
going next door and see if those people are home. She said she never met her neighbors,but she believes they work all the time. I am thinking, “just shoot me!” Can we stay focused here?

     So we pull out onto the road and then go to the next driveway, when Charlie walks up to the front porch, and knocks on the door. The glass door is closed and the front door was open. Charlie and I both could see and hear a little dog come running up to the door, yapping and barking like nuts! Charlie motions to me with a smile that the little dog is right here.

     The porch is a wrap around porch, and I could see from a different side a woman come walking out of a side door. I could tell she was uncomfortable, because she had her arms crossed over her boobs, like she didn’t have a bra on, feeling self- conscious. Charlie had given up on the quest to find out if the dog was still around since he just ran into the little dog at the front door.

     As he was coming back to the car he noticed the homeowner coming out to see who was knocking on her front door. They stood and talked, when I could tell from his body language with his shoulders dropping that she had said something to him that he wasn’t expecting to hear.
He returned to the car. “She knows of the dog, but it wasn’t her dog” he explained.
She said the little dog suddenly showed up there one day as though someone let him out there, but they could never get close enough to the dog to pet it. They would sit food out for it. She said she came home from work, it’s been a few weeks now, and someone had placed the corpse of the little dog in her driveway. He had been hit by a car.
She thanked us for our concern, and we drove off. I am still amazed that the little dog that chased cars and trucks, came to see me once he was in spirit. Overtime that little dog chased our car I would send angels and pray for his safety.  Was it because that in the Spirit world, he learned of me sending the angels?

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